Monday, September 17, 2012

The end and The Beginning

I had my final physiotherapy session today. M and I did a lot of talking - actually about 90 minutes of talking with a little bit  of physio and much interesting discussion. He agreed with my decision to stop physio for the time-being. Upon reflection, I had now been in physio for 4.5 years and it now feels time to explore other options and let things process for a while. It felt empowering for me to be the one in control over this decision and to stop treatment on my terms and in my way. I am sure I will have more in due course, but not (I foresee) for several months at least. I hope. M agreed with my decision and was supportive about it. He said he often suggests his long-term patients take a break. It is good for both therapist and patient.

It feels a bit strange knowing that for now, "that's it" but I have made the decision and it was not one I took lightly. There are definitely new things coming into my life and new healing and treatment approaches. I am looking forward to the future and all that it brings and although this blog is now at an end, I feel I am also (personally) on a new journey. I would like to thank all my followers - and will keep you appraised of other blogs - or you can find them yourself. Where one door closes, another one opens... said someone wise.

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