Sunday, October 13, 2013

Update - Guts, bladder and walking

Diverticulitis - Guts
Since my last posting, I ended up having another visit to A&E and left with three different types of antibiotics to continue to calm my diverticulitis. A recent colonoscopy showed diverticular disease, as expected - there was nothing of further interest (thank goodness!) I am seeing the Colorectal Surgeon on Tuesday. I still end up with pain and inflammation, but otherwise managing my symptoms.

It wasn't until fairly recently that I realized that on the whole my bladder was able to retain far more than in the past and that I wasn't waking up (in general) more than twice per night to use the bathroom. This was a big improvement, I believe fully linked the the improved use of trunk and the deep internal muscles and pelvic floor fully firing as a result of improved walking and use of hips. This has been a significant improvement.

I had to have some treatment on my back as glute medius had gone into spasm and the surrounding tissue. My left gluteal is not firing at all and the right side is doing all the work.  Same old, same old pattern. I have got exercises again - this time for firing the left gluteal and the on the right to improve function of calf. I sometimes wonder if I will ever be fully rehabilitated. Every step I take continues to be one in the right direction... One direction (!) .....

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