Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Physio Exercise Update

Following my recent neck escapade and instability, I am still supposed to continue wearing the neck collar for short periods each day just to give it a rest and to prevent fatigue because the muscles still lack endurance.

Upper Body Exercises;
  • Wall exercise 
  • Shoulder shrug - seated and do one shoulder then the other and then together
  • Lower traps - holding arms from back, imagine arm is in second position (ballet) if need be
  • Neck - engaging multifidus muscles and release
  • Lying prone, lying on shoulder on overball, depressing shoulder 1-2 reps each side
Lower Body and Abdominals
  • Pelvic tilt with other leg bent, with ankle on knee - reps on both sides and hands on hips, neutral pelvis
  • Pelvic tilt elevated again - one leg
  • Abdominal curl with elbows right into head (so neck not used) and legs, hip width apart and coming up forwards. Trying to bias left side. Lie with one leg flat. at a time.
  • Hip flexor exercise - engaging psoas major insertion and bringing knee into body - esp on left
  • Hamstrings - slow kicking, left and right, working on mid-range. Be aware of proprioception, coordination, timing! Left is slow and latent and alignment less good. 
  • Adductors
Happy Christmas!

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