I did 'Pilates into Ballet' and there seemed to be no major problems. T said that my head alignment as I am going to do a forward ports de bras wasn't correct. She explained why and then I was able to do what she wanted with no problems. I think I had been compensating incorrectly in this movement for ages. I should now be able to do it properly now my neck is better.
I had a tiny bit of dizziness at the end of the class, but we only did a bit of jumping - but otherwise felt strong, in control and very centred. My knees are quite hypermobile at the moment, but I am otherwise managing them, though first position and ronds de jambe still present a challenge.
I am supposed to be being videoed next week - so will be interesting to see what I look like now.
I did not eat enough again today, so had to buy an emergency snack about an hour before class (a healthy nut bar) but I need to eat properly as that is just foolish.
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