Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Huge Fatigue + Global Pain

I had physio yesterday, but had already gone to the appt feeling "a bit below par" and with the brink of a sore throat and feeling very cold. M did a lot of work on my spine in general, my latest MRI scan showing the same disc bulge at L4/5 but nothing other than some normal arthritis and wear and tear. M asked me to show him the arrow exercise, which I did. He said I had been doing more with it than I should have been and reitterated what he did want to see. Then he gave me an extended version of the same exercise to incorporate gluteals. Perhaps that is what has caused the fatigue, or maybe I am coming down with something. More than likely it is just usual EDS symptoms and global pain with fatigue are gold standard symptoms. It is hurting me to type, so today will be a short one. Factor in some depression and mood swings and you get the picture. I have had enough of all of this. M said I really should be resting since I have been signed off for work, but I have so many other things to do I keep pushing on with all my other projects and writing instead. This leads to a complete crash. Pacing!!!

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